Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Achieving Digital Zen in Retail at MIX11

Vote for my session at mix11:


The road to Digital Zen in building cohesive, immersive experiences in retail from the web to touch walls in the real world can be long. This session is about the long road to designing building and implementing real world experiences that go from the web to brick and mortar using real world examples including the Nike Touch wall and the Microsoft Retail store and more using technologies like WPF/Silverlight. The session will touch on design elements including topic on and off screen from hardware, software, sensors and mobile devices like Phone 7.

Vote here: http://live.visitmix.com/OpenCall/Vote/Session/87

and don't mind the cats...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

'Extending' Your Phone 7...

So I can't condon hacking phone 7 outside of the context that MS has provided in any case... however it can be done easily enough.

I've found that it is straight forward enough to hack. One thing that has bothered me with the phone was the default accent colors on the phone are lame. for the most part I don't really like any of them. One way to fix it is this app you have to side load, called advanced config. Currently it only works for HTC but does let you test registry hacks on phone 7.

You can get the app (xap) from here http://www.touchxperience.com/

In this case there are a number of cool phone 7 hack apps. but for me having a nice steel gray just makes the phone more zen.

Again I'm not responsible for you mucking up your phone... don't do any of this...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Achieving Digital Zen in Retail

"My “thing” is more or less about embracing the digital space, integrated experience, and fluid emotional connections with a target demographic. I want to hear “wow that’s cool!” That’s when I know it’s a success. That was our goal with the on-demand software kiosk my team at Wirestone and I created for the new Bellevue Microsoft retail store.

Microsoft’s developer centric approach (“Developer, developer, developer!”) has put the experience with Microsoft tools at least a decade ahead of everyone else. Now we need to look beyond the developer centric approach and more and more focus on a user centric approach.


Read the rest and watch the video here:
