Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Silverlight Connections - Vegas Nov 1-4

got asked to speak at SilverlightConnections in Vegas in Nov. :) topics include: 'Breaking Down Walls – The Story of Getting designers and developers working together in an Agency Environment' and 'Multi Dos and Don’t touches –Multi Touch Development from the trenches' and 'Going from Silverlight to Phone 7 Silverlight Application Development'

Title: Breaking Down Walls – The Story of Getting designers and developers working together in an Agency Environment
Type: Regular session
Category: Expression Blend
Level: 300 -- Advanced

Abstract: Breaking Down Walls is about the wall between designers and developers in the typical design shop. Getting everyone to cross over, communicate and build better UX is where we are going and where many of the best Interactive Design firms are already. When designers and developers learn to communicate, and work together they really start to be able to make the best use of the tools they have from Adobe to Expression to Visual Studio, all these tools can be used in an open collaborative environment like never before. Learn to make magic here or at least learn how it has been done at Wirestone and other agencies that have done it successfully.

Title: Multi Dos and Don’t touches –Multi Touch Development from the trenches
Type: Regular session
Category: Architecture, Patterns and Practices
Level: 300 -- Advanced

Abstract: David talks about his experience in the retail space with real world multi-touch applications from touch kiosks to Surface and Silverlight. David will talk about the customer experience and how user centered design and multi-touch work in the retail world with ‘live’ customers as well as the perspective of designers, developers, IA and others regarding multi-touch. From stories about developers touching too much and about good ideas gone amuck David gets it all out on the table.

Title: Going from Silverlight to Phone 7 Silverlight Application Development
Type: Regular session
Category: Windows Phone 7
Level: 200 -- Intermediate

Abstract: This session is about making the leap to Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 and using your Silverlight Skills to build cool Silverlight applications for Windows Phone 7. We'll talk about the basics, game development and even business(ish) apps for Phone 7.

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